Probasee Membership Sign-Up

We welcome new members to come and join us, extending the community, participate and contribute to various activities. 

Its easy to join Probasee Bengalee Association of NZ in two simple steps, please follow as below..

-- Select your membeship fee and transfer to Probasee Account 12-3064-0202393-00

-- Provide your details and contact information. 

New Membership sign-up


Welcome to Probasee family.

We look forward to your engagement and a long term association for the Bengalee community.  We will be in touch with you shortly as soon as the fees are reflected at our account and posted in our database..

Best Regards

General Secretary
Probasee Bengalee Association of NZ Inc.

Membership Fees *
Total Amount
Probasee Membership Details
Please enter your primary email.
Please enter additional email - optional
Please provide a contact number - optional
Payment Options
[x] I will transfer membership fee to Probasee account